When you leave school you understand that the time of your independent life and the beginning of a far more serious examination of your abilities and character has come. далее>>
There are many famous English writers. Among them are William Shakespeare, Keepling and many others. I will tell you about the life and work of Arthur Conan Doyle and Ian Fleming, because I like their books most of all. Ian Fleming is the author of internationally famous James Bond spy novels. далее>>
Summer is the best season of the year for me. I like it due to the warm weather, sun shining and singing of birds. I have waited for this summer holidays with the great impatience. My school days were very difficult this year, so I wanted only one thing – to have a nice rest this summer. далее>>
The third reason for caution about generalizations relates to the large-scale immigration to Britain from places outside the British Isles in the twentieth century. In its cities at least, Britain is a multicultural society. далее>>
Because English culture dominates the cultures of the other three nations of the British Isles, everyday habits, attitudes and values among the peoples of the four nations are very similar. далее>>