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generation gap
The so-called "generation gap” means the difference in attitudes between old and young people. Such problem has always existed .

Generation gap mostly appears because of the teenagers. They often behave rude against their parents. The young wear provocative clothes which shock the adults, causing their sharp negative reaction. Young people are fond of listening to music that is disliked by parents. Naturally, each generation has got its lifestyle. For example, people, who had teenage children in the sixties, could never understand such phenomenon as Beatles. They had known nothing about rock music before and so they thought of it just as a noise. So facing something new parents do not approve the behaviour and look of their children and criticize them, telling that "in my youth children were more polite and quiet”. Sometimes teens even rebel against it.

In my opinion this conflict is inevitable. On the one hand, it is natural because life is rapidly changing . Every year something new emerges, from fashion styles to pop-stars and of course young people accept it very quickly. On the other hand, adults do not need to worry about their kids too much. Until the "generation gap” gets too big to handle, there is nothing bad in it.
But both adults and children should remember about general culture. If people are well brought up and educated their culture will help them to prevent the conflicts making teenagers less defiant and adults more lenient.

To sum up, I think that the "generation gap” problem will forever be actual, but if the generations respect each other, it will not be so serious.

Категория: Другие | Добавил: Admin (09.04.2011)
Просмотров: 10066 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 0.0 |

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