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The third reason for caution about generalizations relates to the large-scale immigration to Britain from places outside the British Isles in the twentieth century. In its cities at least, Britain is a multicultural society. далее>>
Стереотипы | Просмотров: 10872 | Добавил: KIRA | Добавлено: | Рейтинг: 0.0 | Комментарии (0)

The British have few living folk traditions and are top individualistic to have the same everyday habits as each other. далее>>
Стереотипы | Просмотров: 11543 | Добавил: KIRA | Добавлено: | Рейтинг: 0.0 | Комментарии (1)

BEING DIFFERENT. Британский индивидуализм
The British can be particularly and stubbornly conservative about anything which is perceived as token of Britishness. далее>>
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Because English culture dominates the cultures of the other three nations of the British Isles, everyday habits, attitudes and values among the peoples of the four nations are very similar. далее>>
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THE LOVE OF NATURE (любовь к природе)
Most of the British live in towns and cities. But they have an idealized vision of the countryside. To the British, the countryside has almost none of the negative associations which it has in some countries, such as poor facilities, lack of educational opportunities, unemployment and poverty. далее>>
Стереотипы | Просмотров: 15083 | Добавил: KIRA | Добавлено: | Рейтинг: 4.3 | Комментарии (3)

The British, like the people, of every country, tend to be attributed with certain characteristics which are supposedly typical. However, it is best to be cautious about accepting such characterizations too easily, and in the case of Britain there are three particular reasons to be cautious. далее>>
Стереотипы | Просмотров: 10878 | Добавил: KIRA | Добавлено: | Рейтинг: 2.5 | Комментарии (1)