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Текущая дата: Ср, 29.01.2025, 03:11

Начало » Топики на английском » Спорт

SPORT AND GAMES in our life
Thousands of people go in for sports, because sports help people to keep in good health. The most popular sports in our country are field — and — track athletics, football, volley — ball, basketball, hockey, gimnastics, skiing and skating. There are lots of stadiums, sports clubs, and sports grounds in our country.

If you want to keep fit, you must go in for one kind of sport or another.
Sport is an essential part of my daily life. Every morning all the year round I do my morning exercises. Almost every day I do some training. In summer I go swimming and rowing. I usually spend my winter holidays in the country where I ski, skate or toboggan. In every school pupils spend much time going in for sports. First of all they have their physical training lessons. From time to time every school organizes competitions in different kinds of sport. All my friends go in for different kinds of sports, such as water sports, gymnastics with or without apparatus, fencing, wrestling, boxing. Of all outdoor games I prefer football. Sport makes people strong, healthy, and gay, I like it very much.

The Olympic Games have a very long history. It is a very old tradition in the world of sports. History tells us that the tradition began more than two thousand years ago, in Greece.
All the cities sent their best athletes to the city of Olympus to compete in the games. During the Olympic Games all wars between the cities stopped and the people lived in peace.
The Olympic Games are the favourite sports of all countries — running, high — jumping, gymnastics, football, basket — ball, swimming, skiing, skating and other sports that young people in all countries go in for.

The Olympic Games take place every four years. The Olympic Games Committee decides the place of the Olympic Games and the sports that the athletes will compete in.

Источник: http://www.ranez.ru/article/id/83
Категория: Спорт | Добавил: MARINA (14.01.2007) | Автор: MARINA
Просмотров: 32592 | Комментарии: 8 | Рейтинг: 3.3 |

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Всего комментариев: 5
20.04.2012 Спам
5. Наталья [Материал]
Жалко что нет перевода,но всё равно спасибо мне очень помогла эта информация angel :angel:

23.01.2012 Спам
4. Милана [Материал]
а где перевод? surprised

14.11.2011 Спам
3. George [Материал]
Oh..... It's..... Bad[size=12] angry

20.06.2011 Спам
2. Лера [Материал]
gymnastics пишется через Y

02.06.2010 Спам
1. Aнна [Материал]
откуда взят текст?
Ответ: а в чем проблема?

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