Beloretsk. Beloretsk is my native town. Beloretsk was founded in 1762 by Ivan Tverdyshev and Ivan Mjasnikov. It is 245 years old. There are many places in Beloretsk which are connected with the Revolution in 1918 and the Civil War on the South Ural. In 1930 the air club was created in Beloretsk. The graduators became the brave fliers. Our town is surrounded by mountains, rivers and forests. The great river in Beloretsk is the Belaja. The Belaja has many tributaries such as the Kama, the Sim, the Dema and others. The greatest natural rich of Beloretsk is its forests. There are mainly coniferous forests in Beloretsk. The forests are rich in animals like foxes, squirrels, wolfs. The host of forest is of course elk. Our town is famous for its old churches, beautiful old buildings, parks and monuments. Today in Beloretsk there are 24 comprehensive schools, 3 gymnasium schools, 5 secondary schools, International university or economics and law. The total area of Beloretsk is 11 thousand km. The population of our town is about 80 thousand. People of many nationalities live in Beloretsk. Most of the people are Russians, but it is also inhabited by Tatars, Bashkirs, Ukrainian and many other nationalities. Out people are very sociable and hospitable. I love my town very much. Though Beloretsk is 245 years old, but it becomes younger and more beautiful.
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ошибка в третьей строке снизу. вместо people написано peple. исправьте, пожалуйста!Текст очень интересен. Но есть вопрос?А где именно находится Белорецк?