Speaking about art galleries of Moscow we must mention the most famous galleries. The State Tretyakov gallery is one of the best-known picture galleries in Russia. It takes its name from its founder Pavel Tretyakov, a Moscow merchant. In the 19th century Tretyakov began to collect Russian paintings. He visited all the exhibitions and art studios and bought the best pictures. Little by little Tretyakov extended his interests and began to collect earlier Russian paintings. In 1881 Tretyakov collection opened in St. Petersburg to the public, 11 years later he donated it to the city of Moscow. Since then the gallery has received hundred paintings from other museums and private collections. The Tretyakov gallery reflects the whole history of Russian paintings from 11th century to the present day. Also I’d like to tell you about State Pushkin museum of fine art. The building appeared in 1898-1912 to house a museum of fine art, founded on the initiative of professor Ivan Cvetayev. Since 1937 it has been known as The Pushkin museum of fine art. It has one of the world’s largest ancient collections of European art. Now the picture gallerey has over 2 thousand works of various schools of painting, which enables us to understand and appreciate the variety of art over the centuries. The Pushkin museum periodically holds exhibitions of various countries and of outstanding artists of past and present.
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