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Начало » Топики на английском » Кино, музеи, театр

British theatres

Until recently the history of the english theatre has been build
around actors rather then companies. It has been hard to find any London
theatre that even had a consistent policy. There are no permanent staff
in British theatres. Apply is rehearsed for a few weeks by a company of
actors working together mostly for the first time and it is allowed to
run as long as it draws the odious and pays it's way.
Another peculiarity of the theatres in Great Britain is an follows:
there are two kinds of seats, which can be booked an advanced
(bookable), and unbookable once have no numbers and the spectators
occupy them on the principal: first come - first served. And ancient
times plays were acted inside churches and later on the market places.
The first theatres in England were "The Blackfries" built in 1576, and "The
Globe" built in 1599, (which is closely connected with William
Shakespeare). Speaking about our times we should first of all mention
"The English National theatre","The Royal Shakespeare company" and
"Covent Garden".
"Covent Garden" used to be a fashionable promenade - it was, before
then, a convent garden - but when it became overrun with flower-sellers,
orange-vendors and vegetable-growers, the people moved to more exclusive
surroundings farther west, such as "St. Jame's Square".
The first "Covent Garden theatre" was built in 1732. It was burnt
down in 1808 and rebuild exactly a year after. It opened in September
1809, with Shakespeare's "Macbeth". Since the middle of the last century
"Covent Garden" became exclusively devoted to opera.
Now "Covent Garden" is busier than ever, it is one of the few
well-known opera houses open for 11 months of the year and it employs
over 600 people both of the Opera company and the Royal Ballet.

Категория: Кино, музеи, театр | Добавил: english (10.03.2015)
Просмотров: 14303 | Рейтинг: 1.0 |

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