York is one of Europe’s historic cities. It began as an important roman city. In medieval times a stone wall was built around it, and wall is still there today. There is the river Omse near Lendal Bridge. And from here you can walk around the city on the wall, it takes about two hours. In the south wall is Micklegate Bar, where kings and queens entered the city. There is also Monk Bar and Booth Bar. Inside the city there is a cathedral. It was begun in 1220 and finished two centuries later. If you compare this English cathedral with a catholic cathedral, you will see that they are different. Cathedral in Protestant England don’t have colorful paintings on the walls, the color is in the windows. In the center of the windows of this cathedral is a white rose – the symbol of York. There are also different interesting museums in York. One of them is the National Railway Museum. There are lots of trains in it, for example the first public train in the world, built in 1825 and the fastest steam train in the world are here.
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