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"What Is Business Corruption?

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Corruption is wrongdoing by people of authority. The term corruption is best known in the field of politics; however corruption occurs in businesses every day as well. Corruption often stems from bribery and is generally done by people with a lot of power or authority in a business.

Illegal Acts
Business corruption is caused by one of three main illegal acts. Bribery is the most common and includes a person accepting money to make certain business decisions or to perform certain activities. Extortion involves a person illegally using his power to gain things such as more power, property, position or other assets. Embezzlement involves taking company money for personal use.

According to Gaebler, an entrepreneur website, one primary reason business corruption occurs is due to greed. Many people covet what they do not have. When companies give employees or top workers too much power or authority, they may fall into corruption because it seems like an easy option.

Companies create and implement internal controls, or guidelines and procedures employees and workers must follow to keep control over assets, to avoid corruption and to produce reliable, accurate financial statements. One fundamental principle of an internal control system is the idea of separation of duties. This principle separates duties between workers to avoid one person having an excessive amount of control within the organization. Companies also often hire auditors to conduct evaluations of their financial information. This helps deter employees from performing corrupt acts.

How it Happens
Corruption within business happens many different ways. One common way this occurs is when one employee has control over receiving checks, making deposits and paying bills. This employee potentially has too much control and could devise a way to avoid depositing company checks and keeping them for herself. This is an example of an area in a business that needs an internal control system. Corruption happens other ways as well. For example, an employee deciding to sell an asset of the company's and keep the money is corruption. Another example is if an employee issues extra shares of company stock to herself."

Источник: http://www.ehow.com/info_8725607_business-corruption.html

настараживают меня в нём то ли опечатки, то ли ещё что. Я, насколько я могу, вообще, судить, заметил несколько то погрешностей.

И так, в последнем абзаце 3 предложения "This employee potentially has too much control and could devise a way to avoid depositing company checks and keeping them for herself. For example, an employee deciding to sell an asset of the company's and keep the money is corruption. Another example is if an employee issues extra shares of company stock to herself" . Первое, я так понимаю, переводится так: этот работник потенциально имеет много контроля ( т.е. не контроля над ним, а он имеет много контроля над чем-либо ) и мог бы разработать путь избежания депонирования фиоменных чеков ( хотя бред какой-то, тем более после depositing не стоит "of" ) и удерживания их для себя ( но почему же тогда herself, а не himself ? ). Как понять второе предложение? Что решение это и есть коррупция? Тогда почему там employee, а не employee's? Ну а в последнем третьем предложении опять эта непонятка с herself.
В абзаце "Causes". One primary reason business corruption occurs is due to greed. Во-первых, на мой взгляд, говорить, что причина обязана - это масло масляное и должно было бы быть правильно так ne primary reason business corruption occurs is greed. А может можно и occurs убрать? И не лучше ли сказать не One primary reason, а the primary reason?
А может и ещё какие-нибудь нестыковки вы заметили?

Все мои варианты показывают просто, что я могу понять, а не то, Что я не согласен с автором, ведь автор - вроде бы носитель языка.


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